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Abstract Nouns

What Is an Abstract Noun? (with Examples)

An abstract noun is a noun that denotes an intangible concept such as an emotion, a feeling, a quality, or an idea. In other words, an abstract noun does not denote a physical object. It is sometimes helpful to think of an abstract noun as a word that names something that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste (i.e., something you cannot perceive with one of your five senses). For example:

  • Consideration

  • Parenthood

  • Belief

  • Anger

  • More Examples of Abstract Nouns

fear, pleasure, stress, sympathy

freedom, misery, chaos, luxury

anger, hate, joy, grief, sorrow

courage, patience, determination, generosity, honesty

charity, deceit, opportunity, comfort, democracy

birthday, childhood, marriage, career, death

Yet More Examples of Abstract Nouns

Here are some more examples of abstract nouns: Anger, Anxiety, Beauty, Beliefs, Bravery, Brilliance, Chaos, Charity, Childhood, Comfort, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Culture, Curiosity, Deceit, Dedication, Democracy, Determination, Energy, Failure, Faith, Fear, Freedom, Friendship, Generosity, Gossip, Happiness, Hate, Honesty, Hope, Imagination, Information, Integrity, Intelligence, Joy, Justice, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Liberty, Life, Love, Loyalty, Luxury, Misery, Motivation, Opportunity, Pain, Patience, Peace, Perseverance, Pleasure, Pride, Relaxation, Sacrifice, Satisfaction, Skill, Strength, Success, Sympathy, Talent, Thought, Trust, Truth, Warmth, and Wisdom

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