Roll or Role?
Role The noun role means an actor's portrayal of a character or a job or function (of a person or thing). Examples: Teddy was totally...
Farther or Further?
Further and Farther Writers are often unsure when to use further and when to use farther. Their confusion is understandable as the two...
Uninterested or Disinterested?
Disinterested Disinterested means not taking sides or impartial. It is usually used to describe a person with no personal benefit at...
Coarse and Course
Coarse and Course The words coarse and course sound identical, but their meanings are very different. The most common query regarding...
What Is an Analogy? (with Examples) An analogy is a comparison of two things to highlight their similarities. Often the things being...
What is an abstract noun?
What Is an Abstract Noun? (with Examples) An abstract noun is a noun that denotes an intangible concept such as an emotion, a feeling, a...
Absolute Possessive Pronouns
What Are Absolute Possessive Pronouns? (with Examples) The absolute possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and...
Abbreviations in Writing An abbreviation is a shortened version of a written word or phrase used to replace the original. For example: Mr...
Using Hyphens - Part 3
Using hyphens as prefixes. Hyphens can be used in prefixes. A prefix is a short half-word placed before another word to alter its...
Using Hyphens - Part 2
Using Hyphens in Compound Nouns A single noun made up of two or more words is called a compound noun (e.g., ice axe, water-bottle,...