Parentheses (round and square brackets)
Round brackets (parentheses) are used: To insert extra information (often an afterthought, clarification, or expansion of a recently...
What Is an Antecedent? An antecedent is the word (or words) that a pronoun refers to. The word antecedent means to 'go before' in...
Personal and Personnel
Personal and Personnel The words personal and personnel sound fairly similar and both derive from the Latin word personalis (meaning...
What Is an Analogy? (with Examples) An analogy is a comparison of two things to highlight their similarities. Often the things being...
Your and You're
You're and Your Some writers are confused by you're and your. A mistake involving these constitutes a grammatical howler. You're You're...
What Are Acronyms? (with Examples) An acronym is an abbreviation spoken like a word. For example: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty...
Avenge or Revenge?
Avenge or Revenge? Avenge and revenge have similar meanings, but there is a difference. Avenge The verb to avenge means to seek...
Principal or Principle?
Writers occasionally confuse the words principal and principle. Principal In its most common role, principal is an adjective meaning main...
Empathy and Sympathy
Empathy and Sympathy Writers often confuse empathy and sympathy. These two words are similar in meaning, but they are not the same. If...
i.e. and e.g.
What is the difference between e.g. and i.e.? e.g. means "for example" (from the Latin exempli gratia). i.e. means "in other words" or...