Imply and Infer
Imply The verb to imply means to state indirectly (i.e., to include a suggestion in a message). Examples: His speech on transitioning...
Emigrate or Immigrate?
Emigrate and Immigrate To emigrate and to immigrate are similar in meaning, but there is a difference. To emigrate focuses on the point...
Gray or Grey?
Gray or Grey The colour ("color" if you're an American) between black and white can be written gray or grey. In the US, the spelling...
Lose or Loose?
Loose or Lose? There is often confusion over the words loose and lose. This is due to the lack of consistency in pronouncing words that...
Dependent or Dependant?
Dependent and Dependant Writers following British writing convention often confuse dependent and dependant. Those following US writing...
What are Interjections?
An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey an emotion or a sentiment such as surprise, disgust, joy, excitement, or...
What Are Acronyms? (with Examples) An acronym is an abbreviation spoken like a word. For example: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty...
Abstract Nouns
What Is an Abstract Noun? (with Examples) An abstract noun is a noun that denotes an intangible concept such as an emotion, a feeling, a...
Accept and Except
Accept To accept is a verb. It has several meanings: To hold something as true. The officer accepts your point and has decided to let...
Disinterested and Uninterested
Disinterested Disinterested means not taking sides or impartial. It is usually used to describe a person with no personal benefit at...