What is an acronym?
What Are Acronyms? (with Examples) An acronym is an abbreviation spoken like a word. For example: Laser (Light Amplification by...
What is an abstract noun?
An abstract noun is a noun that denotes an intangible concept such as an emotion, a feeling, a quality, or an idea. In other words, an...
A lot / Alot / Allot
What are the differences between alot, a lot, and allot? Alot. The word alot is a misspelling of a lot (unless you mean the Indian town...
Using Brackets (...)
Using Round Brackets (Parentheses) Round brackets are mostly used for inserting additional information into text. The additional...
Superlatives and Comparatives of Adjectives
Forming Comparatives and Superlatives from Adjectives The rules for forming comparatives and superlatives from adjectives are varied....
Your and You're
You're You're is a contraction of you are. It has no other uses. This is a 100% rule. If you cannot expand it to you are in your...
"Quotation Marks" part 2
Using Quotation Marks for the Names of Ships, Plays, Books, etc. Quotation marks (or speech marks as they're also called) can be used for...
Definition of Adjective Adjectives are describing words. Large, grey, and friendly are all examples of adjectives. In the examples below,...
"Quotation Marks" part 1
Quotation marks (or speech marks as they're also called) are used: To show the exact words spoken or written. For the names of things...
Definition of Conjunction (with Examples) A conjunction is a word used to connect words, phrases or clauses. The words and, but, and or...