Desert or Dessert?
With thanks to the Grammar Monster Desert or Dessert? What is the difference between "desert" and "dessert"? "Desert" means "arid land"...
Compliment or Complement?
With thanks to the Grammar Monster Compliment or Complement? What is the difference between "compliment" and "complement"? Compliment "To...
Using Brackets.
With thanks to Grammar Monster Round brackets can be used to insert an afterthought or to expand or clarify something nearby (usually the...
Do NOT use "Can I get..." when asking for something in a cafe or shop.
All too often we hear British people saying "Can I get...." when, for example, they are asking for a coffee in a cafe. This is impolite....
Poisonous or Venomous?
Poisonous The adjective poisonous is used to describe something (often a plant, animal, or chemical) that contains a toxin that is...
Never, never, never use "Gonna" or "Wanna"
I have noticed a number of international students using "gonna" instead of the correct "going to" and "wanna" instead of the correct...
Adding Superlatives and Comparatives from Adjectives
Forming Comparatives and Superlatives from Adjectives The rules for forming comparatives and superlatives from adjectives are varied....
What Are Verbs? A verb is a "doing" word. A verb can express: A physical action (e.g., to swim, to write, to climb). A mental action...
Wether, Weather and Whether.
Wether, Weather, and Whether The words wether, weather, and whether sound identical, but their meanings are very different. Wether The...
An analogy is a comparison of two things to highlight their similarities. (Often the things being compared are physically different, but...